pong-pong's Diaryland Diary


Confused o____O

i want to load Prince Yanyan so
we could text, but I feel, as if I
don't wont to.
1. because I won't get to use the pc
2. We'll just fight ;C
3. No surprises anymore..

The last time we texted we had an
arguement, which never got fixed.
Lately, I feel as if I'm the most unlikable girlfriend ;C

I hope he isn't mad at me anymore..


-i finished my layout in my other account and while updating my friendster
blog, I was able to recover my other
accounts here in diaryland. My, I
probably have about ten now ;) Haha.

I'll use them to test the layouts I
made for dland users. My only problem
is that, how do I get my website to
google search? So I could get more hits.


I hate to think ;C

Anyway, my dad stayed home for
the afternoon. He arranged some stuff
regarding his plan to go to Thailand.

;__: i wish christian would text,
I still feel uncomfortable..

one annoying thing is that dland
goes down a lot now. for some i don't
know reason..

`kaaaY! that's all!

6:22 p.m. - 2008-04-25


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