pong-pong's Diaryland Diary



Good Afternoon world! :D

I haven't slept well lately,
I slept 2 hrs. that enough?
I'm just glad that Dad knows
how to cheer me up after a
long crappy useless fight with
my boyfriend
with a delicous
meal of Shawarma. And I think
I'll fall asleep now when I
get to bed (well I got to `yknow?)

It is funny not to feel
tired tho, after all the crying
and drama and the heartache..

random quotes from
a broken heart :D

"..it's amazing how much
you stil wait for someone to
love you the way you want to
be loved :("

"`d only thing guys are most capable of
are making lies and making girls cry,
and the most unbelievable thing of all
is that the girls keep believing

~posted that on my fster.
I plan not to go online
for days, or rather, not go
check my friendster, ym, multiply
and etc.
*but deviantart i will, i'll probably
work on my scanned artworks for my last remaining days of summer vacation..

It's sad Dad's goin to Thailand
without us, wish we could teleport
there when we wanted..

::.wen `d heart is weak.::
.::it dares not speak::.
[heeey. this is stupid i know]
[`bt i gotta believe this 4now]

`til tear drops stop runnin,

12:01 p.m. - 2008-05-22


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